
Thursday, November 14, 2013


...who we watched at Lower School Assembly this morning.
...what I did in P.E.
...what I did in Spanish.
...playing the "straw game" at calendar.
...the book, Tell Me About Your Day Today.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...playing the game, "Bug In A Rug".

We read the story called, Tell Me About Your Day Today, by Mem Fox.  This story was a great example of the details you include when telling a story...the who, the what, the why, and the how.  Next week, during Writer's Workshop, the children will begin drawing pictures in their own "Drawing and Writing Book" of an event, happening, etc. in their own lives.  Children will use their individual knowledge and abilities to write labels or sentences to describe their picture (phonetic spelling is acceptable and encouraged). 

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