
Saturday, November 9, 2013

COLOR DAY 11-8-13

...what I did in P.E.
...what we ate and drank for snack.
...the graph we did.
...sharing the mixing color page I did.
...the story, My Many Colored Days.
...our ice cube experiment. 

  We started Color Day by having the children mix food coloring into cake batter.  We then used the colored cake batter to make a special Color Day snack!

We had a very colorful snack with rainbow cupcakes, green water, and blue or yellow milk!

We read a story by Dr. Seuss called, My Many Colored Days.  The children were surprised that this story was by Dr. Seuss.  We also named/discussed other books by this author.

Our math activity for Color Day was graphing Skittles!
Children reviewed what they learned about primary colors mixing together to make secondary colors.

We continued our ice cube experiment that we started yesterday.  Children were able to observe the ice cubes melting throughout the morning.  At the end of our morning......

...we discovered what color the melted ice cubes became.

Today children put finishing touches on items for the Dramatic Play Pizza Place we will "open" next week.  Children worked on illustrating the menu, making signs, and finishing some decorations.

 The name of the pizza place is, "Fiesta" (spelled phonetically by the children, "Fetu").
The children practiced making rectangles with 2 big lines and 2 little lines.

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