
Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Brett was the Friendly Frog today!
Today we visited the Lower School office to meet Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Saling.  They each talked to the class about what their jobs are in the Lower School.  Mrs. Mason's title is Head of the Lower School or Principal.  Mrs. Saling is the Administrative Assistant to the Head of Lower School.


We introduced Work Stations today!  When we do Work Stations,  2 children are assigned to a specific station and choose activities from that station only for a 15-minute period.  Once a timer sounds, Free Choice time begins.  Children may then choose activities from any station in the classroom.  Each day, children rotate to a new station for Work Stations.  There are 10 Work Stations meaning it will take children 10 school days to visit each station during Work Station time.  Once children have learned this routine, we will begin having required tasks at some of the Work Stations.  We will post photos and explanations of "have-to" tasks as we introduce them.  Work Stations provide the opportunity for children to choose and engage in activities to which they might not gravitate.  It introduces them to new activities and challenges and supports them in taking risks.  

Pictured below is our pocket chart that shows the children which station they are assigned for Work Stations. 
Kyndal and August work at Math Magic.
 Carsyn and Noah work in the Book Nook.
 Maya and Jean-Luc work at the Writing Station.
 Griffin and Morgan are at the Listening Station.
 Owen and Willa work at the Alphabet Station.
 Berkeley and Brett work at the Fine Motor Station.
 Harper and Laken work at the Creation Station.
 Mrs. "B" and Walker work at Games Galore.
 Emily and Nate work at the Discovery Station.
 Avery and Sophia work at the Sensory Tub.
Today we read the story, Does A Kangaroo Have A Mother, Too?  by Eric Carle.   Throughout the book, children helped to find this week's password, "me", on each page. 

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