
Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Today we introduced the "Friendly Frog".  As we explained on Parent Night, each day a name is chosen to be the Friendly Frog which means that person is the helper for the day and has many jobs/responsibilities.  Today's "Friendly Frog" was Mrs. "B".
Here was our morning message.  Ask your child to read it to you!

Today we started our calendar activities.   We discussed the name of the month, the day of the week, and put up the date.

 We colored in today's weather report (provided by the Friendly Frog).   It was sunny and windy.
 We discussed the current season and noticed that the cycle of the seasons continuously happen over and over again.
 Today we opened the easel at the Creation Station where children could draw with markers.  We have some budding artists in Pre-K!
 Kyndal, Sophia, and Vivian use teamwork to put together a letter puzzle.
Today we read the book about families in the photo below.  The book included wonderful photographs of families.  Also, the book described different kinds of families and what families do with each other and for one another.

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