
Thursday, January 9, 2014


...the new password.
...the question on the Morning Message.
...what I did in P.E.
...what I did during Free Choice time.
...the story, Snow Day.
...what I said I like to do in winter.
...what Spirit Day is tomorrow!
... what letters we worked on in our handwriting books.
...the poem, "I'm A Little Snowman".
...what a comma is and what you do when you see a comma when you are reading.
Busy builders in the Construction Zone.
 Owen and Maya play a rhyming game at Games Galore.
 Walker and Willa constructing with pipes at the Discovery Station.
 At Math Magic, children can complete a winter clothing graph.
 Morgan and Emily listening to a winter story at the Listening Station.
 At the Fine Motor Station, children can practice their fine motor, counting, and reading skills with the activity pictured below. 

Children choose which side of the card they want to read to instruct them on how many pom poms to transfer from the pile to the section.

 Also at the Fine Motor Station are Hexabits.  Children snap the pieces together to make different designs.

Children practiced writing the upper case letters Q and O in their handwriting books.  
Today we introduced the winter poem, "I'm A Little Snowman". 

 Children can use the green dots to help them see the separation of the words.  The red dots are close to the periods which means you stop!  And, today the children learned about a comma--the yellow dots.  We explained that when you see a comma when reading, you pause, take a breath, etc.

 Children practiced putting together the words of the poem and pictures in order.  They will have the chance to do this again with their partner during Work Station time.


After reading the story, Snow Day, each child had a turn to share what he/she likes to do in the winter.  Next week, during Work Station time, children will have the opportunity to draw/color a picture of what they like to do in winter which we will turn into a class book.

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