
Monday, January 13, 2014


...the question on the Morning Message.
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...the story, Stranger In the Woods.
...ask me to tell you about the stranger in the woods.
...what I made for the Winter Wonderland bulletin board in our classroom.
...what I did in Music.
...what we did in Drama with Ms. Schroeder.

We started a new set of Work Stations today!  Check out the photos below to find out what we are doing!

At the Sensory Tub, children can play with a mixture of corn starch and shaving cream--an interesting sensory experience!
At the Fine Motor Station, children peel off stickers and place them on to the outline of the shape. 
At the Creation Station, children are creating their own snowperson using a variety of recycled materials  (a.k.a. junk)!

At Games Galore, children are fishing for numbers!  Once he/she catches a fish, the child reads the number on the fish in order to place it in the bucket. 
In the Book Nook, children put together and read the poem, "I'm A Little Snowman"  on the pocket chart.
At Math Magic, children are doing an addition activity using ten frames.

  Last week, children shared with the class what they like to do during the Winter, which we are turning into a class book.  At the Writing Station, children are working on their own page for our class book about Winter.  First, children put in order the words describing the activity(ies) they like to do in Winter.  Then, they illustrate their page.

At the Alphabet Station, children roll a die and record if the lower case b or d appears on the die.

To help us get ready to create a Winter Wonderland on the bulletin board, we read the story, Stranger in the Woods.  Next, children created items pertaining to Winter for our bulletin board.  Check out the before and after photos!

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