
Monday, May 5, 2014


...what I did in P.E.
...what I learned about Cinco De Mayo in Spanish.
...what happened in Charlotte's Web.
...what number we learned and practiced writing.
...the new activities at Free Choice.
...the story, What's It Like To Be A Butterfly?. new "Book In A Bag".
...the new password.
...what a "heartprint" is and how I can give or receive one.
Children learned and practiced writing the number 4 today.

Children can enjoy books in the Book Nook sitting in a small wading pool.
 Also in the Book Nook, children can use caterpillar and butterfly finger puppets to recite the poems and songs we have been learning.
There are new stories to enjoy at The Listening Station.
At the Creation Station, children can make a mini version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.
Griffin shares his finished mini book with Maya.
At the Fine Motor Station, children can use "pearler" beads to create a flower or a butterfly.  This is a tedious activity!
At Games Galore, there are several new games including, Sight Word Zingo, the Life Cycle of a Butterfly, and Jungle Run (Chutes and Ladders).
At Math Magic, children can use trapezoid shapes to fill a hexagon tray.
Also at Math Magic, children can create patterns using butterfly magnets.
Today we read a story from the perspective of a butterfly.  We learned how small and how big butterflies can be.
Our caterpillars are HUGE!!!!!!!  The children are keeping a close eye on them!

As a follow-up to our story and discussion about "heartprints", today we introduced a new way to give a classmate a heartprint.  If/when a child does or says something kind to another child, the child who received the kindness can give a paper heart to the classmate who is the giver of the kindness.  He/she must explain to the giver why he/she is receiving the heartprint. 

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