
Monday, August 31, 2015


Ask me about...
...the greeting we did during Morning Meeting ("Hickety, Pickety, Bumble Bee").
...what I did during Free Choice time.
...the wish I drew on a star for what I hope to learn in Pre-K.
...what I did in P.E.
...the story, Me Too!
Children engaged in some old and some new activities today during Free Choice time.

Sally and Camille play Memory. 
 Samantha and Bella retell the story, There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books, with props.
 Sam exercises his logical reasoning skills.
 Children in the pictures below are exercising their fine motor skills.

 Nathan works on a pattern on the pegboard.

 Poppy, Alex, Camille and Sally involved in a game of Snail's Pace Race.
 Lauren uses pattern blocks to create a flower.
 Ethan and Alex build a structure in the Construction Zone.

We read a big book version of the story, Me Too!  

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