It is truly amazing how well the "Friendly Frogs" in Pre-K "A" are adapting to their new classroom, teachers, and classmates. They really feel like they are Columbus Academy Vikings! Below are some photos and highlights from our second week of school.
We opened up the Dramatic Play Station. Right now, there are materials for the children to use to pretend it is a house. Later, we will transform this area into a Space Station, a Butterfly Garden and other options.
On Wednesday, we helped Lyndon celebrate his August birthday! Lyndon's mom read the story, I'm The Biggest Thing In the Ocean. We then enjoyed eating Lyndon's birthday treat--chocolate chip cookies. Happy Birthday, Lyndon!
Today we showed the children how we want them to show us they are here at school when they arrive at the classroom each morning. Right inside our classroom door is a pocket chart containing cards with the children's names on each side. On one side of the card is an empty lily pad. On the other side of the card is a lily pad with a frog. When your child arrives at the classroom in the morning, he/she turns the card from the empty lily pad side to the side with the frog on the lily pad.
On Wednesday afternoon, we introduced 2 games that will be available to use during Free Choice time. One game is "Memory" and the other game is "Snail's Pace Race".
We opened the easel for drawing opportunities.
We learned our new snack routine.
We introduced and modeled some of the "seating options" for the children to choose and use during Free Choice time. Eventually we will offer these seating choices during Morning Meeting also.
Chair Pads
Wiggle Seats
Soft, cushion chairs.
We learned about other ways children get to school, including skiing and taking a ferry boat!
We discussed our school mascot, a viking. We also discussed our school colors--maroon and gray.
We had our first Spanish class with Senora Rentel!
Below is Mr. Ang. He spends time in Pre-K "A" and Pre-K "B" during the morning. He also helps with lunch!
Below is Mr. Cross. He spends time with us after lunch. He will be doing the Second Step program with the children and helping out during Swimming.
Below is Mr. Cross. He spends time with us after lunch. He will be doing the Second Step program with the children and helping out during Swimming.
We made our first visit to the school library! Mrs. Arner read to the children in the story room and then the children each chose a book to take home and read!

We met our swim instructors, Mr. Yakscoe and Mrs. Moore. They will teach swimming to the children in the Extended Day Pre-K Program. Mr. Yakscoe read, Froggy Learns To Swim to us.
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