
Wednesday, August 27, 2014


...what we did during Lower School Assembly in the theater.  
...what we did in P.E. with Mrs. Adams and Mr. Collis.
...what we did in Spanish with Senora Rentel.
...the Listening Station, where we can listen to stories during Free Choice time.
...the story, The Kissing Hand.
...the "roll the ball" game we played to help us learn everyone's name.
...some of the things we are going to learn this year in Pre-K!
...the name of our school, our school colors and our school mascot.

During Free Choice time, children could color a CA Viking!

 We opened our Listening Station today!  Many children enjoyed listening to a story with a friend!

Margo spells her name with the letter puzzle.
Today we read, The Kissing Hand,  a story about a raccoon who starts school and how he copes with missing his mom while he is at school.  

Today we asked the children to share with us why they think we came to school--"to learn", "to play",  "so we aren't bored".  Then, we shared with the children the kinds of things we would be doing and learning in Pre-K this year.  In the photo below are the objects we used to explain to the children the kinds of learning we would be doing in Pre-K!  These children are very excited to learn!

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