
Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Each child created a frog today to represent himself/herself in our Pre-K "A" Frog Family.   Using the glyph in the photo below, each child's frog represents whether he/she is a boy or a girl; his/her age; and whether or not he/she likes frogs.  The finished frogs are hanging on the bulletin board outside of our classroom.

Today during Free Choice, we opened up the Easel where children can draw with markers.  We had some very busy artists today!
We made our first visit to the library today!  Children listened to a story read by Ms. Oeth, librarian.  Next, the children learned how to choose and check out a book from the library.  After they check out their books, children go to the story room where they can look at their books until it is time to return to the classroom.  The children are very excited about bringing home their library books today.  The books are due back to school next week.  We have a special basket in our classroom where the children can put their library books once they have brought them back to school.  

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