
Wednesday, December 11, 2013


...the snowman glyph we did with our buddies yesterday.
...our new "Star of the Week"!
...where I went and what I did for Work Stations.
...what I did in Music.
...the details Mrs. Spolter drew/wrote in her Writer's Workshop book.
...what I drew and/or wrote about during Writer's Workshop.
Our Star of the Week is Maya!  Today we learned about some of Maya's favorite things including her favorite restaurant:  Olive Garden; favorite dessert:  chocolate; and favorite place to visit:  COSI.   Thank you for helping us to learn more about you Maya! 

Yesterday we met with our second grade buddies and each of us completed our own snowman glyph.  See the photos below to learn more about the glyph.  Ask your child to tell you what his/her snowman looks like.

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