
Monday, October 1, 2012


Today we introduced a new part of our morning...."Work Stations".  The pocket chart in the photo below has cards representing the different stations in our classroom.  Beside each station card is a card with the names of 2 students.  Prior to beginning Free Choice time each morning, children are asked to go to the station where their name is listed.  This is their "work station" for 15 minutes.  During that time, children must choose and engage in activities/tasks from that particular station.  At times, there will be assigned tasks that children are required to do when visiting that particular work station.    At the end of 15 minutes, children move into "Free Choice" time and are then invited to visit any station in the classroom.  Throughout at 2-week period, children will have visited each station of the classroom for "work station" time.  At the end of 2 weeks, the rotation begins again, along with new activities/tasks.

Sophia and Will working at "Math Magic".

David and Madelyn working at the Writing Station.
Marc and Sasha working at the Alphabet Station.
Graham and Lily working at the Overhead Station.
Jon and Bittania working in the Book Nook.
Emma, Dominic, and Josh working at the Discovery Station.
Ryan and Cody working at the Creation Station.

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