
Tuesday, March 3, 2015


ASK ME ABOUT... many planets are in the Solar System.
...the moon journal.
...what I did in Music.
...what letter sound we discussed.
...what letter we decorated and how we decorated it.
... the story, Edward the Emu.
...the story, 8 Spinning Planets.
...the Space song we watched and listened to on the SMARTBoard.
...which planet I have been assigned to help make.
Yesterday, we introduced our March calendar, which is filled with special events!
Yesterday, was Dr. Seuss' birthday!  This week, we will read Dr. Seuss books and do some special Dr. Seuss activities.
Yesterday, we read the Dr. Seuss book, Wacky Wednesday.  This Wednesday has been designated "Wacky Wednesday" in Pre-K! 

Following are the "have-to" activities for this week.  Children complete these during Free Choice time.

 At the Sensory Tub, children search for Space objects hidden in black rocks.
 They collect the items in a pan.
 They then record how many of each object they have by completing the graph pictured below.

 At the Fine Motor Station, children practice their cutting skills!
 At Math Magic, children count the number of dots in the ten-frame, cut out each ten-frame and then put them in order on a rocket in descending order.

 At the Alphabet Station, children illustrate their page for our class "Goodnight" book.

Other new Free Choice activities introduced this week include.....

the opening of our Pre-K Space Station!
 We had some busy astronauts today!

 In the Construction Zone, children have the opportunity to build with straws and connectors.

 At Math Magic, children can explore and create with rubber bands on the geoboard.
 At the Creation Station, children can sort Space objects.

 Children can enjoy listening to Dr. Seuss stories at the Listening Station.

Anna is our new "Star of the Week"!  We learned that Anna's favorite things include:  pink and purple (favorite colors); bunny rabbits (favorite animal) and COSI (favorite place to visit).  Anna shared photos of herself and also her favorite toy, Peter Rabbit.  Thank you for helping us get to know you better, Anna!

Today we explored the short /E/ vowel sound.  Be sure to ask your child what sign he/she should make when making the /E/ sound and what we used to decorate our letter "E".  We also read the story, Edward the Emu.
At the Discovery Station, we have hung an Outer Space shower curtain.  It's a great visual for learning about the planets.  (Sorry for the blurry photo.)
We read a story about all 8 planets.  Then, each child was assigned to help recreate one of the eight planets.  We will hang the finished planets in our classroom.
 Gabriel puts the finishing touches on the Sun we created to hang in our classroom.

Today was a Discovery Day!  We did an experiment on how germs spread and the importance of washing our hands.

To begin, each child was given some lotion to rub into his/her hands. 

 Next, the child's hands were sprinkled with glitter--each with a different color of glitter.

 Then, children were instructed to shake hands with each other.
The result?  Children's hands were covered with different colors of glitter (germs), signifying how easily and quickly germs can spread.

We also did a follow-up on the germ experiment we did previously.
The bread in the photo below was placed into a bag using tongs.
Result?  No changes.
 The slice of bread pictured below was touched by many, unclean hands before placing it into a baggy.
Result?  Mold and observable germs!
 The bread slices in the photos below were touched by clean hands (hand sanitizer and soap and water).
Result?  No changes.

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