
Wednesday, May 29, 2013


In today's Spanish class, Senora Rental provided us with a pinata to celebrate the end of the school year!

Today, Jon's mom brought in his dog, Teddy, to meet the class!  Teddy is a "therapy dog'" which Jon's mom explained to us.  We got to pet Teddy and watch him do some "tricks".  We also heard a story about Teddy that was created by Jon and his family. 

Friday, May 24, 2013


Today we pretended to be a butterfly and drank nectar (lemonade) through a proboscis (straw).  A proboscis is a butterfly's tongue and works like a straw.  Children had their wings (arms) behind them as they drank as this is what a butterfly does when it lands and rests.  

 We released our butterflies today!  First, we read a story called, Gotta Go!  Gotta Go!.  The story was about a butterfly migrating to Mexico.  Then, we took our butterflies outside and let them go!  It took them awhile to fly out of the butterfly garden we kept them in.  We were thinking they might want to stay with us!!  One of our butterflies had a wing that didn't develop right.  So, we helped this butterfly find a place in the garden.  Unfortunately, it probably won't be able to fly.

 Concerned about our butterfly with only one working wing.
Today we helped Cody celebrate his summer birthday!  Cody's dad read the story, The Giant Jam Sandwich.  Then, we ate drumsticks for Cody's birthday snack.  Happy Birthday ( a little early), Cody!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


 The threat of rain and a few light sprinkles did not interfere with our OUTDOOR time today!  
We began our day with Writer's Workshop outside.  Children were asked to draw a picture of and write a sentence about an outdoor activity they have done.

 After Writer's Workshop, we traveled to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th grade playground for some Free Choice time!  Children enjoyed the tire swings and the monkey bars!

After Free Choice time, we joined up with Pre-K "B" outside and got into 4 different groups.  We then rotated to 4 different outdoor activities, including:  Splash Ball; 3-legged races; Dragon Tail; and getting-dressed relay races.  From the slide show below, you can tell we had a lot of fun!!!!