
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


*REMINDER:  If your child has not done so already, please remind him/her to bring back tomorrow the library book he/she checked out last week.  A note came home in your child's folder today from the librarian IF the book has not yet been returned.

*SCHOLASTIC:   Scholastic Book Order Fliers came home in your child's folder today.  Please let us know if you have any questions or problems with placing your order and payment on-line.

*SMALL GROUPS:  Today, we randomly divided the class into 2 small groups.  These 2 small groups will remain the same throughout the school year.  We form these groups for the many times we do lessons/activities which work better with a smaller group of children.  Once in their small groups today, the children contributed possible animal names for their group.  We now have the Elephant Group and the Starfish Group.  Be sure to ask your child if he/she is in the Elephant or Starfish Group.

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